
Pierre Droulers (Belgium) & Charleroi danse (Belgium)

€ 20,00
€ 18,00
€ 7,00

What is the difference between being blinded by bright light and expose onself to total darkness ? In both cases you don’t see anything. But between these extremes there’s a wide range of endless possibility. In his newest creation Soleils Pierre Droulers focuses on light : light that carries a lot of meanings and can take many different shapes. Two poems made his inspiration bud : Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas and There’s a certain slant of light by Emily Dickinson. From there the choreographer went in search of the dazzling energy of rituals and carnivalesque parades. The pleasure they produce can only be experienced in a group. That’s why Droulers creates a group too - 9 dancers – who feature in a subtle dance piece. “Soleils begins slowly, (...) quasi immobile, ending in a crazy dance of 9 young dancers who brim over with effort, talent and vitality.” (Guy Duplat in La Libre). With this performance, the choreographer passes beyond the grimace of history and rekindles the fire of life.

The French-Belgian Pierre Droulers (1951) is a key figure in Belgian dance. He trained at Mudra – the school of Maurice Béjart in Brussels - with the Polish theatre innovator Jerzy Grotowski and the American director Robert Wilson. He belongs to Charleroi Dances.

CREATED BY Pierre Droulers in collaboration with the dancers /DANCERS Yoann Boyer, Malika Djardi, Stanislav Dobak, Youness Khoukhou, Benjamin Pohlig, Peter Savel, Jonathan Schatz, Katrien Vandergooten / ARTISTIC COLLABORATION Yuji Oshima / ORIGINAL MUSIC Beth Gibbons, Eric Thielemans / LIGHTING DESIGN Pierre Droulers, Marc Lhommel / COSTUME DESIGN Jean-Paul Lespagnard / SET DESIGN Chevalier-Masson / ARTISTIC ASSISTANT AND SOUND DESIGN Arnaud Meuleman / CHOREOGRAPHIC ASSISTANT Michel Yang / TECHNICAL COORDINATORMarc Lhommel / LIGHTING CONTROL Philippe Fortaine / SOUND CONTROL Benoît Pelé / PRODUCTION Charleroi Danses, Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie - Bruxelles / COPRODUCTION Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Festival de Marseille, Festival NEXT (Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai + Valenciennes) / THANKS TO Jean-Biche, Benoît Caussé, Rebecca Chaillon, Louis Combeaud, Gwenaël Laroche,Renan Martins, Sylvie Mélis, Wagner Schwartz / Pierre Droulers is an associate artist of Charleroi Danses, Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles,