
Ivana Müller (Croatia / France) & I'M Company (France / Croatia)

€ 14,00
€ 12,00
€ 7,00

People are walking around on the stage. They are carrying signs on which there are words such as FAIM (hunger), AMOUR (love), TRAVAIL (work) or a price (365 euro, 50 euro) They are concept words, each of them referring to the society in which we are living today and the various identities we are divided into. The actors start exchanging the signs. They buy or sell. They assign a value to the concepts shown. ENFANT (child). COURAGE. What is the price of a child ? Of courage ? Love ? Hunger ? And does everything actually have a price ? What are the consequences ? Ivana Müller creates a simple but intelligent reflection on the human condition but also on movement and theatre. Positions carefully assays our world. The performance offers criticism. That’s right. But it also leaves space for the imagination. Because the exchange also allows for that.

Ivana Müller grew up in Croatia. She studied literature in Zagreb, dance and choreography in Amsterdam and applied art in Berlin. Recurrent themes in her work are the body and its representation, the position of images and imagination and the relation between the player and his audience. In the past ten years, her dance and theatre performances, installations, texts, video and audio work have been shown in Europe, the United States and Asia.

Free buss from:
* Armentieres (20/11) at 18h45 from Le Vivat

CONCEPT AND DIRECTION Ivana Müller AND COLLABORATION WITH PERFORMERS Jean-Baptiste Veyret Logerias, Anne Lenglet, Bahar Tamiz & Galaad Le Goaster / ARTISTIC ADVISE Sarah van Lamsweerde / PRODUCTION I’M’ COMPANY /Chloé Schmidt / COPRODUCTION Festival NEXT (Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai + Valenciennes), Musée de la danse / Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne, Point Ephémère (Paris), Ménagerie de verre, Paris, within the framework of Studiolabs / I’M’ COMPANY receives the support of DRAC ILE DE France l’Aide à la création 2013