Mamma Medea

Tom Lanoye (Belgium), Christophe Sermet (Belgium) & Le Rideau de Bruxelles (Belgium)

130 minutes
€ 14,00
€ 12,00
€ 7,00

A French-speaking Medea in the version of a Flemish author.

With his Mamma Medea Tom Lanoye returns to the origin of the 2500-year-old myth. He portrays a young Medea, not yet weighted down by crime and love. From here his sharp sensual language unrelentingly drives along the piece to its dramatic climax. The butcher’s son puts Euripides’ ancient story through the mincer and prepares it in his very own way. It is typically Lanoye, to put it briefly. But then in French.

Medea may well never have crossed the path of the Swiss-Brussels director Christophe Sermet if he hadn’t stumbled upon Lanoye’s version. “It is an old myth immersed in a present-day bath. A meeting between mythology and triviality which gives off sparks,” he says.

The first, Flemish, Mamma Medea, directed by Gerardjan Rijnders could be seen at Toneelhuis in 2001. It read as a clash between cultures, a conflict of power with love as its stake. The French-speaking version resonates differently but none the less urgent. On the contrary perhaps. For the French-speaking audience it is an excellent introduction to one of the figure heads of contemporary Flemish literature.

Author Tom Lanoye / Translation Alain van Crugten / Edition Actes Sud-Papiers (2011) / Creation and direction Christophe Sermet / Scenography, costumes and lights Katrijn Baeten, Saskia Louwaard / With Anne-Claire, Claire Bodson, Adrien Drumel, Pierre Haezaert, Francesco Italiano, Philippe Jeusette, Romain David, Mathilde Rault, Yannick Renier, Fabrice Rodriguez and the children Jules Brunet, Arthur De Waele, Tibo De Waele, Balthazar Monfè / Sound creation Maxime Bodson / Direction assistant Nelly Framinet / General Director & scène director Stanislas Drouart / Sound direction Morgan Souren / Light direction Gauthier Minne / Dresser Carine Duarte / Technical direction Raymond Delepierre / Photographer Marc Debelle / With the support of the Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Service du théâtre / Coproduction Rideau de Bruxelles. / With participation of Centre des Arts scéniques