Une Maison

Christian Rizzo (France)

Minimum age 16+
60 minutes
Reduction: € 21,00
Reduction: € 19,00
Reduction: € 8,00

On a stage that is covered with a thick layer of earth and bathes in the light there are fourteen dancers – all of them different in age and dance background. Their movements flow from one body to the other, steadily

swelling to a climax.The result is a tactile experience that solitude shares with fiction : how can you be in a group and yet alone ? Une Maison is a beautiful group choreography built of solos, duets and trios.

In this way Christian Rizzo considers the state of the world with a multitude of points of view. He chooses very consciously for tenderness and against threat. Let yourself be ushered into this house without a door, with all its windows that offer a view of an imaginary world. In a society full of individualism that seems only to look forward, Rizzo creates a ritual to appreciate what is nearby. 'In this society one makes us believe that everything is eternal. With such an illusion, waking up in reality can be harsh. I believe the opposite. Everything disappears. Only by rituals can you preserve and remember things.'

The French choreographer Christian Rizzo has more than one string to his bow. After a training in visual arts he designed a clothes' line, founded a rockband and finally became a dancer and choreographer. In his work, which meanwhile contains more than 30 choreographies, light, music and décor play an exciting game between fiction and reality.

Free buss:
* 29/11: Departure at 19h from Armentières
* 30/11: Departure at 14h from Valenciennes (Parcours)
* 30/11: Departure at 16h45 from Kortrijk

Workshop Une maison given by one of the dancers
Sunday 01/12 from 11h until 13h - Opéra de Lille
No experience required/ Free for ticketholders of the spectacle Une maison
Register: billetterie@opera-lille.fr

CHOREOGRAPHY, SCENOGRAPHY, COSTUMES & LUMINOUS OBJECTS Christian Rizzo / ICI-CCN Montpellier / LIGHTS CREATION Caty Olive / MEDIA CREATION Jéronimo Roé / MUSICAL CREATION Pénélope Michel and Nicolas Devos (Cercueil / Puce Moment) / ARTISTIC ASSISTANT Sophie Laly / WITH Youness Aboulakoul, Jamil Attar, Lluis Ayet, Johan Bichot, Léonor Clary, Miguel Garcia Llorens, Pep Garrigues, Julie Guibert, Ariane Guitton Hanna Hedman, David Le Borgne, Maya Masse, Rodolphe Toupin, Vania Vaneau