Hafiz Dhaou (France / Tunisia), Alexander Vantournhout (Belgium) & Aicha M'Barek (France / Tunisia)

Minimum age 6+
60 minutes
Reduction: € 10,00
Reduction: € 8,00
Reduction: € 8,00

Since 2015 CDCN Gymnasium has supported the choreographic creation for a young audience. The project TWICE invites special choreographers to put unusual creations on stage in order to renew the dance repertoire for children and young people. In 2019 Emmanuel Eggermont and Robyn Orlin set the ball rolling. In this second edition Aïcha M'Barek and Hafiz Dhaou of the Chatha company and the Flemish artist Alexander Vantournhout will develop a creation for young viewers (from 6) for the first time.

Alexander Vantournhout's work is a unique mix of circus and dance, in which the first is stripped of its display of muscle and the second of its solemnity. In this creation he makes Astrid Sweeney dance to Steve Reich's Clapping Music. The greatest obstacle ? Her costume with shoulder pads, corsets, high heels and tight shirts which drastically influence her movements. In this playful piece Vantournhout shows how everybody's physical and expressive potential can be restricted by what he wears.

Hafiz Dhaou & Aïcha M'Barek connect their Tunesian background with a mix of music, ballet, film and a good portion of hiphop. The duo – you saw their Sacré Printemps! at NEXT 2017 – has been working with the same team for years and now gets out of its comfort zone by working with the dancers of Vantournhout. Inspired by the figure of the tightrope walker they tell a story about what is universal in human body language.   

Choreographie : Aïcha M'Barek & Hafiz Dhaou + Alexander Vantournhout
Performance: Astrid Sweeney and Johanna Mandonnet (only for the play by Aïcha M'Barek & Hafiz Dhaou)
Light design: Xavier Lazarini
Distribution: in progress
Production: The CDCN Roubaix - Hauts-de-France Gymnasium
Coproduction: Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse, La Manufacture CDCN Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux - La Rochelle, POLE-SUD CDCN Strasbourg, Charleroi danse - Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles, Le Rive Gauche - scène
convention of national interest art and creation - dance
With the support of Les Hivernales - Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National d'Avignon
A project supported by LOOP - network for dance and youth