Tenir le temps

Rachid Ouramdane (France)

60 minutes
€ 21,00
€ 19,00
€ 8,00

Enchanting choreography for 16 dancers as one long chain reaction.

The newest production of the French top choreographer Rachid Ouramdane is a creation for the Ballet de l'Opéra from Lyon. In the enchanting Tenir le temps sixteen dancers move erratically in a controlled chaos, spurred on by the beautiful repetitive music of Jean-Baptiste Julien. Like falling dominoes, an unstoppable avalanche, we see the dancing bodies react to each other in a chain reaction. Again and again there are encounters. Dancers lift, embrace, propel and encourage each other. Cause and effect can no longer be distinguished. Can the chain reaction of the dancing bodies be broken ? Can time be held ? Tenir le temps is undoubtedly one of Ouramdane's most intense choreographies. He found inspiration for this production in the film The way things go (1988) by Peter Fishly and David Weiss in which a series of chain reactions occurs : an explosion puts a car tyre in motion that rolls off a plank which in turn makes a bottle of acid fall over and so on.

Rachid Ouramdane is known for his impressive multidisciplinary choreographies. He worked together with prominent choreographers such as Meg Stuart and Christian Rizzo and in 2007 he set up his own company L'A. Socially weighty subjects in which the human being is at the centre are an important source of inspiration. In Sfumato (2013) Ouramdane worries about the fate of eco refugees. “In an amalgam of image, dance, video, music and an absolutely brilliant lighting this is dance theatre at its best”, according to the Dutch newspaper Trouw. Ouramdane is often invited to make guest creations : at the Ballet de l'Opéra in Lyon but also with the Russian company Migrazia and the British Candoco Dance Company where he made a choreography for dancers with a handicap for their 20th anniversary. Since 2016 Rachid Ouramdane has been co-director of the National Choreographic Centre in Grenoble. Next to his own artistic work he is also very busy organising international workshops.

*Villeneuve d'Ascq: 03.12 - 20:15

*Helder Seabra + Rachid Ouramdane 

CONCEPT AND CHOREOGRAPHY Rachid Ouramdane ORIGINAL SCORE Jean-Baptiste Julien LIGHT Stéphane Graillot COSTUMES La Bourette SETTING Sylvain Giraudeau ASSISTANT CHOREOGRAPHY Agalie Vandamme WITH Fernando Carrion, Jacquelyn Elder, Annie Hanauer, Alexis Jestin, Lora Juod-kaite, Arina Lannoo, Sébastien Ledig, Lucille Mansas, Yu Otagaki, Mayalen Oton-do, Saïef Remmide, Alexandra Rogovska, Ruben Sanchez, Sandra Savin, Leandro, Villavicencio, Aure Wachter MUSIC www.jeanbaptistejulien.bandcamp.com PRODUCTION Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble - codirection Yoann Bourgeois et Rachid Ouramdane CO-PRODUCTION L’A./Rachid Ouramdane, Bonlieu Scène nationale d’Annecy, Festival Montpellier Danse 2015, dans le cadre d’une résidence à l’Agora, Cité internationale de la danse, Théâtre de la Ville - Paris, MC2 : Grenoble WITH THE SUPPORT OF Centre national de la danse contemporaine d’Angers et du Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble dans le cadre de l’Accueil Studio 2015 et de la Ménagerie de verre dans le cadre du Studiolab WITH THE SUPPORT OF l’Adami et de la Spédidam IN COLLABORATION WITH Ruben Sanchez Dance Wear / www.rubensanchezdancewear.com CO-FUNDED BY Ministère de la culture et de la communication/DRAC Île-de-France dans le cadre de l’aide à la compagnie conventionnée et de la Région Île-de-France au titre de la permanence artistique.