Modern Dance

Johanne Saunier (France) & JOJI INC. (Belgium)

60 minutes
€ 14,00
€ 12,00
€ 7,00

A dance marathon for 3 women, a modern dance that celebrates the present. These three graces have nothing to do with tomorrow or yesterday. What matters is now, the movement of their feet coaxed from the floor by music and rhythm. They don’t think, they do. It is the only way to survive. Just like in the dance marathons of the 30ies (where you could win money by dancing as long as possible) the dancers move in an arena encircled by elastic, which catapults them onto the dancefloor again and again.

Johanne Saunier derives her title from a song by Lou Reed, in which he speaks about the need for dreams about what is better elsewhere. A new life, a better life, a more exciting life. But most of the time, it never gets beyond dreams, everything remains as it is and we just do a ‘modern dance’, here and now, on the spot.

In the 90ies Belgian Johanne Saunier danced with Rosas. Since 1998 she has been focusing on choreography. She dances her Modern Dance herself, together with Ine Claes and Sabine Molenaar.

Choreography and performance Johanne Saunier / Co-direction Mathurin Bolze, Johanne Saunier / Creation and performance by Johanne Saunier, Ine Claes et Sabine Molenaar / Light and scenography Jim Clayburgh / Choreography assistant Cécile Goossens / Production Espace des Arts, Scène nationale Chalon-sur-Saône / Partner of production jOjI INC Absl / Coproduction Festival NEXT - la maison de la culture de Tournai, Belgique - Charleroi Danses, Belgique - Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Service de la danse  / With the support of WBI and WBDT / This project has the support of the SACD