Le Cri

Nacera Belaza (Algeria / France)

45 minutes
€ 10,00
€ 8,00
€ 8,00

Intense and hypnotizing scream of two top dancers.

Two apparently identical women on stage dressed in loose purple garments. They continuously swing their arms, first synchronically, later each of them separately swaying about wildly. Light, sound and movement continuously grow in intensity and volume like a snowball -until it becomes one big powerful scream that blows the audience away. Nacera and Dalila Belaza dance this vigorous choreography to the tones of among others Maria Callas, Nina Simone and Amy Winehouse. Le Cri has been touring the world since 2008 and meant the great international breakthrough for Nacera Belaza as a choreographer. “Intense and hypnotizing”, wrote Bellyflop Magazine.  Le Monde commented “Le Cri is a masterful dream about mankind and its craving for spirituality and pleasure.” The French Syndicat de la critique honoured Belaza as the choreographic revelation of the year for her performance Le Cri.

Nacera Belaza was born in Algeria but has lived in Paris since childhood. She first studied literature before throwing herself completely into dance and starting her own company. With minimal means Belaza creates overwhelming performances which are very concentrated but at the same time very sensual. Together with her sister Dalila and other co-workers she pushes dance to or over the limits of contemporary art, in which she links her personal questions in a profound connection with spiritual forms. Each creation of Nacera Belaza's is based on the relationship between man and his environment, on the spiritual area of tension between mind and body. Nacera and Dalila make intensive use of repetition and variation to evoke a trance-like, transcendent experience. Each production of the Company Nacera Belaza creates a space that is brimming with tension but at the same time provokingly empty. A raw but sensual landscape comes into being, in which volume and emptiness exist next to each other with a scientific precision.

*Kortrijk: 26.11 - 16:00

*26.11 - IMA + Nacera Belaza + Omar Abusaada

CHOREOGRAPHY Nacera Belaza WITH Dalila Belaza, Nacera Belaza VIDEO DESIGN AND SOUNDTRACK Nacera Belaza SOUND STAGE & LIGHT Christophe Renaud VIDEO EDITING Corinne Dardé PRODUCTION Compagnie Nacera Belaza COPRODUCTION Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales De Seine-Saint-Denis, Le Forum – Scène Conventionnée De Blanc-Mesnil, Aarc (Agence Algérienne Pour Le Rayonnement Culturel - Ministère Algérien De La Culture), Ambassade De France en Algérie, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique / Biennale Nationale De Danse Du Val-De-Marne (Accueil Studio), Centre Chorégraphique National De Caen - Basse-Normandie (Accueil Studio), Centre Chorégraphique National De Créteil - Val-De-Marne (Accueil Studio) STUDIO LOANING Centre National De La Danse - Pantin, Ema (Ecoles Municipales Artistiques De Vitry-Sur-Seine), Cité Internationale Des Arts WITH THE SUPPORT OF Drac Ile-De-France, Région Ile-De-France, Conseil Général De La Seine-Saint-Denis, Association Beaumarchais Et De Culturesfrance / Ministère Des Affaires Etrangères, Onda (Diffusion)