Chicks for money and nothing for free

Kopergietery (Belgium) & Het Kip (Belgium)

65 minutes
€ 15,00
€ 13,00
€ 8,00

Chicks for Money and Nothing for Free (a hint at the song Money for Nothing by Dire Straits) is an incredible physical tour de force in which five players try to outbid each other's masculinity. Testosteron flies through the air as well as cans of beer and tubes of shaving cream. But the performance, which has already been touring internationally for a couple of years, doesn't lapse into caricature. Once they all crawl into a cube of one square metre the macho behaviour soon dies down. Call it dance theatre, kinetic theatre or a physical performance, in any case Chicks for Money is an exercise of boyish toughness in which vulnerability nevertheless proves to be inevitable.

“The Ghent succession of Platel, Sierens and De Volder seems guaranteed”, wrote De Standaard.

BY AND WITH Gilles De Schryver, Arend Pinoy, Oliver Roels, Yahya terryn, Hendrik-Hein Van Doorn, Robrecht Vanden Thoren / DRAMATURGY Ellen Stynen / COACHING Pieter Ampe / TECHNICIANS Jeroen Doise, Dirk Du Chau, Bardia Mohammad, Sebastien Van Huffel / PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Karel Clemminck/ ASSISTANT Lara D’Hose (stagiaire) / PRODUCTIONKOPERGIETERY & het KIP / THANKS TO Swing, Giovanni Van Hoenacker, Rinus Samyn, Jelle Clarisse (Trainee Hairdressing & Beauty), Bernadette Damman, Campo, NTGent