While I was waiting (Alors que j'attendais)

Omar Abusaada (Syria)

90 minutes
€ 15,00
€ 13,00
€ 8,00

Razor-sharp metaphor about resistance, oppression and strife-torn reality in Syria.

How do you deal with radical changes as a Syrian and as a human being ? While I was waiting is a powerful story about resistance and oppression in this war-stricken country. Protagonist Taim is heavily tortured in Damascus and then, unconscious, transported to the hospital where he lies in a coma for weeks. This tragic incident makes his family dig up some unsavoury events from the past. We follow the transformation of Taim's family but also the metamorphosis Damascus and Syria undergo through the eyes of Taim, who is unconscious at that moment. His coma thus becomes a razor-sharp metaphor for Syria today, in the grey zone between life and death, between hope and despair. The subconscious as the ultimate means of resistance against the oppressive powers.

Writer Mohammad Al Attar : “The bloodier and the more horrible daily reality becomes in Syria, the more important it is to know the stories of the ordinary citizen behind the images that are dished up on TV. While I was waiting is the story of a middle class family as there are so many in Damascus. The coma story seems to be the most appropriate to describe and understand our absurd and complex reality ; a story in which reality can be mixed with cruelty and hardness, often with our dreams and imagination as the only way out. This 'waiting' may be the only thing that connects everybody with one another. This also goes for the Syrians who await their fate now that it seems to be out of their control ;  a difficult balancing between life and death, between laughing and crying, staying or leaving...yet not prey to despair, not completely yet, not today.”

After his theatre training at the High Institute of Dramatic Arts in Damascus in 2001, Omar Abusaada started working as a dramaturg and director. He launched innovative ideas around documentary theatre. His theatre work was shown at several international festivals and he also leads workshops on contemporary theatre writing and directing.

*Kortrijk: 26.11 - 16:00 (parcours)
*Kortrijk: 26.11 - 17:45 (parcours)

*Lille: 24.11 - 19:30
*Lille: 25.11 - 19:30
*Lille: 26.11 - 19:30

*Villeneuve d'Ascq: 24.11 - 19:45
*Villeneuve d'Ascq: 25.11 - 19:45
*Villeneuve d'Ascq: 26.11 - 19:45


*25.11 - Pablo Larraín + Omar Abusaada
*26.11 - IMA + Nacera Belaza + Omar Abusaada
*26.11 - Pablo Larraín + Omar Abusaada 

DIRECTOR Omar Abusaada TEXT Mohammad Al Attar WITH Amal Omran, Mohammad Alarashi, Nanda Mohammad,Fatina Laila, Mouiad Roumieh, Mohamad Al Refai SCENOGRAPHY Bissane Al Charif LIGHT DESIGN Hasan Albalkhi VIDEO Reem Al Ghazzi MUSIC Samer Saem Eldahr (Hello Psychaleppo) SET CONSTRUCTION Sylvain Georget, Patrick Vindimian PRODUCTION MANAGER Henri Jules Julien COPRODUCTION Festival D’avignon ; Napoli Teatro Festival ; Afac (Arab Fund For Art And Culture) ; Pôle Arts De La Scène ; La Friche La Belle De Mai, Marseille ; Theater Spektakel Zürich ; Onassis Cultural Centre Athens ; Vooruit Gent ; La Bâtie Festival De Genève; Les Bancs Publics/Les Rencontres À L’échelle, Marseille; Festival D’automne à Paris WITH THE HELP OF La Criée, Marseille; Le Tarmac, Paris SUBTITLING WITH THE SUPPPORT OF Onda