Total Eclipse of the Heart

Kassys (Netherlands)

60 minutes
€ 15,00
€ 13,00
€ 8,00

How come that (pop)music goes straight to the heart ? Why does music have the power to evoke a wave of emotions in a few seconds ? And why is it so nice to wallow in an emotional popsong ? With these questions Kassys, the Dutch performance collective well-known for its visual, physical and dry-comic performances, set to work. The sentimentality and pathos that we take for granted in heartrending songs are in sharp contrast with real life, in which we often hide our deepest feelings from the outside world. Four excellent actors and a dog give up their control and uncover emotions that normally don't tolerate daylight. Total Eclipse of the Heart is a compelling performance full of humour and chart toppers !

DIRECTOR: Liesbeth Gritter, WITH: GJ Rijnders, Harm van Geel, Peter Vandenbempt, Vincent Brons and a dog, LIGHT DESIGN: Ge Wegman, TECHNICIAN: Cees Beuzekom, ASSISTENT DIRECTOR: Thijs Bloothoofd, COPRODUCTION: Vooruit Gent, Culturgest Lissabon and theaterfestival Oerol Terschelling, WITH SUPPORT OF: Fonds Podiumkunsten, AFK (Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst), Fonds 21 & VSBfonds