Sketches / Notebook

Meg Stuart (United States) & Damaged Goods (Belgium)

110 minutes
€ 14,00
€ 12,00
€ 7,00

Sketches/Notebook is a stage event in which various art disciplines meet and melt in a search for interdisciplinary collaboration. The project was established in January during a residence in HAU Hebbel am Ufer, the Berlin theatre where the Belgian Annemie Vanackere is the artistic director. In Sketches/Notebook dancers, visual artists and a musician share the space, their passions and skills to surround the audience with a wondrous world of light, music, materials and movement. A series of rough sketches and a thorough investigation are presented in an open space filled with actions, reduced to their essential characteristics. Sketches/Notebook playfully challenges the imagination : embrace the darkness, wave your arms and change the direction of the wind.

The American dancer and choreographer Meg Stuart is from New Orleans but she lives and works in Brussels and Berlin. In 1994 she founded her company Damaged Goods, with whom she has created more than 20 different productions, from solos to large-scale choreographies, location projects and installations. She has curated the festival Intimate Strangers four times (Berlin 2006, Brussels 2008, Toulouse 2011 and Ghent 2011).

A PROJECT BY Meg Stuart / CREATED IN COLLABORATION WITH PERFORMERS Jorge Rodolfo De Hoyos, Antonija Livingstone, Leyla Postalcioglu, Maria F. Scaroni, Julian Weber / MUSICIAN Brendan Dougherty / SCENOGRAPHER AND VIDEO DESIGNER Vladimir Miller / COSTUME DESIGNER Claudia Hill / LIGHT DESIGNER Mikko Hynninen / PRODUCTION Damaged Goods (Brussels) / COPRODUCTION HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin) / WITH SPECIAL SUPPORT OF Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Berlin) / IN COLLABORATION WITH Uferstudios and Tanzfabrik - advancing performing arts project (Berlin) / Meg Stuart & Damaged Goods are supported by the Flemish Authorities and the Flemish Community Commission