
Malicho Vaca Valenzuela (Chile)

Minimum age 12+
55 minutes
Spanish spoken
Dutch & French surtitled
Full: € 15,00
Reduction: € 13,00
Young Rate: € 6,00
With one click of the cursor, Malicho Vaca Valenzuela delves into the bowels of the internet in search of stories from his neighbourhood in Chile's capital Santiago. He clicks his way back to times long gone, suppressed revolutions and mysterious love stories. Personal and collective memory are blended into an immersive experience - part fairy tale, part documentary - and  digital technologies are used in a gentle and healing way.
Memory, body, land and dissidence are at the heart of the work of Malicho Vaca Valenzuela, an artist belonging to the emerging Chilean generation. He relishes the simple poetry of everyday life and processes the poignant presence of his grandparents in Reminiscencia. Broadcast live online and presented on stage by the narrator himself, the work brings us together beyond the screens and enriches the performing arts with a compelling theatrical narrative.
True to his belief in the unifying power of technology and a desire to escape imposed lockdowns, he created Reminiscencia in 2020. This work was named the best work of online theatre by the Chilean Arc Critics Circle. The artist offered the piece for free to hundreds of viewers. One of them, an 83-year-old surgeon specialising in gender-affirming treatments, inspired him to write a new biographical documentary essay.
Avec Rosa Alfaro, Malicho Vaca Valenzuela, Lindor Valenzuela
Texte, création, mise en scène, dramaturgie et vidéo Malicho Vaca Valenzuela
Lumière Nicolás Zapata
Assistanat à la mise en scène Ébana Garín Coronel
Régie générale et vidéo Malicho Vaca Valenzuela
Régie plateau Ébana Garín Coronel
Administration, production, diffusion Ébana Garín, Cuerpo Sur, Luis Guenel
Avec le soutien de l'Institut Français du Chili pour la 78e édition du Festival d'Avignon
Remerciements À mes grands-parents