Points de non-retour [Thiaroye]

Alexandra Badea (Romania / France)

120 minutes
€ 15,00
€ 13,00
€ 8,00

Love in times of revolution

Like the best stories, Points de non-retours also begins with love. Everybody defines it in a hyperpersonal way and yet it is also thoroughly political : 'On aime comme on pense le monde' (we love as we think the world) The Rumanian-French Alexandra Badea focuses on the free, agitated atmosphere in France after May '68 in which rebelling youngsters fall in love. Two of them carry a heavy past with them. One of them has roots in Central-Europe after the Second World War, the other in the post-colonial west of Africa. Can they come to terms with their family history ? In a three-part fresco, Alexandra Badea and her actors want to give a voice to those who are hardly heard in contemporary historiography. Points de non-retours questions the key moments of life, the destinations without a way back.

Alexandra Badea is a writer, theatre director and film maker. Though born in Rumania, she has been living and working in France since 2003. Meanwhile Badea has made seven plays, two short films and one novel that was translated into several European languages. Badea often looks for international cooperations : Controle d'identité was a co-production between France, Rumania and Burkina Faso, Je te regarde a French-German co-production and Europe Connexion a French-Taiwanese creation. She had residences in Japan, Congo, Russia, Germany as well as Canada. Her play Pulvérisés was awarded the Grand Prix de la littérature dramatique by the French Centre National du Théâtre and was to be seen in France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Austria and Switzerland.

Badea's work is often related to current themes. Her characters are people of flesh and blood who are usually either perpretrators or victims of a sort of modern slavery. Characteristic is also her mix of social themes, politics and intimacy : Badea questions the effects of globalization, media and liberalism in a subdued but forceful language which invariably succeeds in grasping the spirit of the age.

Free buss:
* 28/11: Departure at 19h from Villeneuve d'Ascq

Alexandra Badea
Points de non-retour [ Thiaroye ]

TEXT & DIRECTION Alexandra Badea / PERFORMERS Amine Adjina, Alexandra Badea, Madalina Constantin, Thierry Raynaud, Kader Lassina Touré, Sophie Verbeeck / SCENOGRAPHY Velica Panduru / SOUND Nihil Bordures / VIDEO Sorin Dorian Dragoi (RSC) / LIGHT Sébastien Lemarchand / DOCUMENTARY REALIZATION RADIO Nedjma Bouakra / ASSISTANT DIRECTION Amélie Vignals / SCENERY CONSTRUCTION Ateliers de La Colline / PRODUCTION La Colline Théâtre national / COPRODUCTION La Filature, Scène nationale - Mulhouse / L’Arche is publisher and theatrical agent of Alexandra Badea’s texts.