The multidisciplinary collective looks, listens, maps and unites. The Kom.posters are everywhere on NEXT. Backstage, in the auditoria, in foyers and cafés. They are looking for a common territory for the festival. A real territory ? An imaginary one ? The investigation is open to anything. But they are especially interested in the hidden life of NEXT. What happens between makers and audience ? Where do they click, where do they clash ? also manipulates its territory by organising explicit meetings. They bring spectator and director together at the same table. They place a technician next to a spectator and a politician. What sort of dialogues result from this ?

The results are put on a website and form material for new dialogues, new meetings. The project finishes with La fabrique du commun, which brings together all the persons concerned one more time, simply at a table, in fours or fives, in interesting combinations. It is the ultimate moment of discussion which perfectly combines fierce debate and intimate conversation.

For its creation at NEXT, draws on the experience of this edition.