
Ultima Vez (Belgium), KVS (Belgium) & Seppe Baeyens (Belgium)

Minimum age 8+
70 minutes
Reduction: € 15,00
Reduction: € 13,00
Reduction: € 8,00
Ticket holders will be notified personally. 

How often do you surrender completely to a child ? In Sparks Francesca Grilli creates a space in which the balance of power between child and adult is reversed. The children become the owners of magic powers. They know your future which you yourself have absolutely no idea of. In Sparks you meet with a community of oracles who have studied the reading of the palm and the art of augury. Their faces are hidden behind masks but you can hear their voices. How does it feel to have a child tell your destiny ?

“I consider every poetic image that breaks our normal imagination and creates hope as a form of rebellion against the central power”, says Grilli about this. “That's why forming and educating a child is a powerful gesture because the wonder that young life harbours is pre-eminently subversive.”

The audience of this performance enters the space one by one. They cannot talk to the children but they can listen to them. Each time a child has completed his lecture another spectator is invited to take part in the space of the performance. The spectators can enter and leave the space as they please.

Francesca Grilli is an Italian artist who lives and works in Brussels. Her oeuvre is situated in the space between the performing arts and visual art and shows a great fascination for the resistance of the human body. Grilli's work was already shown at the Palais de Tokyo (Paris), the Van Abbe museum (Eindhoven) and the Biennale of Venice.

DIRECTION & CHOREOGRAPHY Seppe Baeyens / CREATED WITH Emile Van Puymbroeck, Luke de Bolle, Chisom Onyebueke Chinaedu, Leonie Van Begin, Rosa Boateng, Oihana Azpillaga, Ischa Beernaert, Esther Motvanya, Roel Faes, Trui de Mulder, Adnane Lamarti, Seppe Baeyens, Frank Brichau, Stephan Verlinden, Elisabeth Wolfs, Leon Gyselynck  / ORIGINAL LIVE / MUSIC Stef Heeren, Kwinten Mordijck, Karen Willems / DRAMATURGY Kristin Rogghe  / SCENOGRAPHY AND LIGHT / CREATION Ief Spincemaille / COSTUMES Lieve Meeussen / MOVEMENT ASSISTANT German Jauregui  / ARTISTIC ADVICE Wim Vandekeybus  / TECHNICAL COORDINATION Tom de With  / PRODUCTION Seppe Baeyens / ultima vez  / COPRODUCTION KVS  / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge, casa kafka pictures tax shelter, supported by belfius