I love (and hate) you, Iran

fABULEUS (Belgium) & Armin Mola (Iran / Belgium)

Minimum age 12+
65 minutes
Dutch spoken
French surtitled
Full: € 15,00
Reduction: € 13,00
Young Rate: € 6,00
Biculturalism as an identity. Searching for what it means to be Iranian, Belgian and, above all, oneself, I love (and hate) you, Iran brings a cutting love-hate declaration to a homeland to which there is no return.  Actor and rapper Armin Mola takes on the role of Dariush Omidi, who has to start a new life in Turnhout at a young age. Word, music and dance merge into a funny, moving and partly autobiographical monologue.
Armin Mola made a first version as a graduation project at the Kunsthumaniora Lemmensinstituut in Leuven and then reworked it under the wings of fABULEUS into a fully fledged performance. This is his first own theatre show, but you may (re)know him from the Ketnet series Hoodie, The Voice Kids or Humo's Rock Rally.
An organization of
CC Guldenberg
Concept, text & acting Armin Mola Final direction Mokhallad Rasem Dramaturgy Peter Anthonissen Costumes Rida Habib Allah Artistic coach Thomas Bellinck Scenography Anthony Nti Production fABULEUS With the support of the Warande, the city of Leuven and the Flemish government