When you put a frog in cold water and slowly bring it to a boil, the animal will quietly be cooked to death. Any living creature can fall victim to the phenomenon of habituation... So too the Sennes family, about whom dramatist Anne-Cécile Vandalem tells in Habit(u)ation. Trapped in habits, none of the family members are truly happy. The small Anni is the only creature to have escaped their murderous routine. Her presence changes everything.
concept, script and direction Anne-Cécile Vandalem / with Brigitte Dedry, Véronique Dumont, Alexandre Trocki (et en alternance Epona Guillaume, Chloé Résibois), Christian Crahay (voix présentateur radio) / scenography and attributes Marie Szersnovicz / masks Jean Raymond Brassinne / pictures Christophe Urbain / paintings Geneviève Periat / costumes Henriette Reusser / lighting Samuel Marchina / music and sound Pierre Kissling / sound Juliette Wion / creation of costumes Laurence Hermant / creation makeup and wigs Marie Messien / writing support Christine Aventin / support mise en scène Céline Gaudier / support scenography Marie-Christine Meunier / technical concept and machines Vital van Kriekinge, Rudi Bovy, Jamila Hadiy / technical advise Jean-Luc Goossens (S.T.P asbl) / technical coordination Vital van Kriekinge / sound direction Cédric Otte / lighting direction Caspar Langhoff, Patrick Ortega /plateau Jamila Hadiy, Rudi Bovy / stagiaire Julien Pire / production Théâtre de Namur / coproduction Das Fräulein asbl / Théâtre National de la Communauté française, Bruxelles / Bonlieu, Scène nationale d’Annecy / Théâtre de la Place, Liège / Kunstenfestivaldesarts. Avec l´aide du Ministère de la Communauté française - Service du Théâtre