Frustrating picture book for adults

Niwa Gekidan Penino (Japan)

60 minutes
€ 0,09
€ 0,07
€ 0,07

With the Tokyo-based Niwagekidan Penino, NEXT brings the Japanese avant-garde to the stage. Frustrating Picture Book for Adults is a psychoanalytic and erotic fantasy for the advanced that brings the absurdity of everyday life to the surface. The student Murashima is driven by his incestuous delusions into the arms of two women who live above him. Japan meets Freud!

direction Kuro Tanino / with Mame Yamada, Taeko Seguchi, Momoi Shimada, Ikuma Yamada / stage design Michiko Inada / production Shizuko Nakayama, Sachiko Miyoshi / with the support of Japan Foundation