10000 gestes

Boris Charmatz (France)

Minimum age 12+
60 minutes
Reduction: € 21,00
Reduction: € 19,00
Reduction: € 6,00

A requiem for dance

"Als een wonderbaarlijk visioen trekken de 10.000 gestes voorbij. Het is van een weldaad en lichtzinnigheid en energie waar je je graag op gezette tijden aan zou willen laven" (Fransien van der Putt, Theaterkrant)

Ten thousand movements. By more than twenty dancers. Not one movement is the same. And once danced and seen every movement destroys itself. 10.000 gestes is an ode to and a lament for the transitoriness of the art of dance. But it is also a celebration of the unicity of the dancers. They each embody a unique language that cannot be archived in any way. But together they maintain a continuous movement.

To the Requiem of Mozart Boris Charmatz releases an intense storm of gestures in which you see both the choreographic history and that of painting rush by. In the costumes of Jean-Paul Lespagnard,full of subtle winks, he drives bodies to the extreme, between unbridled energy and silent serenity. This is a chance to see or see again a performance that was created in 2017 and has since got the most favourable reviews and world-wide appreciation.

In past editions of NEXT, Boris Charmatz presented the successful performances INFINI (2019) and Somnole (2021). He is one of the key figures of contemporary dance in France. In 2009 he was appointed director of the Centre choréographique national de Rennes et de Bretagne, which he transformed into an innovative dance museum, the Musée de la danse.


Hosted in partnership with the Opéra de Lille.

Choregraphy: Boris Charmatz.
with in alternance Or Avishay, Régis Badel, Jayson Batut, Nadia Beugré, Alina Bilokon, Nuno Bizarro, Guilhem Chatir, Ashley Chen, Eli Cohen, Konan Dayot, Olga Dukhovnaya, Sidonie Duret, Bryana Fritz, Julien Gallée-Ferré, Kerem Gelebek, Alexis Hedouin, Rémy Héritier, Pierrick Jacquart, Tatiana Julien, Noémie Langevin, Samuel Lefeuvre, Johanna Elisa Lemke, François Malbranque, Noé Pellencin, Mathilde Plateau, Samuel Planas, Solene Wachter, Frank Willens.
Performers in the creation: Djino Alolo Sabin, Salka Ardal Rosengren, Or Avishay, Régis Badel, Jayson Batut, Nadia Beugré, Alina Bilokon, Nuno Bizarro, Mathieu Burner, Dimitri Chamblas, Ashley Chen, Konan Dayot, Olga Dukhovnaya Sidonie Duret, Bryana Fritz, Julien Gallée-Ferré, Kerem Gelebek, Alexis Hedouin, Rémy Héritier, Tatiana Julien, Samuel Lefeuvre, Johanna-Elisa Lemke, Noé Pellencin, Maud Le Pladec, Solene Wachter, Frank Willens.
Choreographic assistant: Magali Caillet-Gajan. 
Lighting: Yves Godin. 
Costumes: Jean-Paul Lespagnard.
Vocal work: Dalila Khatir. 
Stage manager: Fabrice Le Fur.
Sound: Olivier Renouf.
Dresser: Marion Regnier.
Production management: Martina Hochmuth, Hélène Joly.
Production managers: Florentine Busson, Briac Geffrault.
Sound materials: Requiem in D minor K.626 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), performed by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Herbert von Karajan, recorded at the Musikverein (Vienna) in 1986 (1987 Polydor International GmbH, Hamburg); field recordings by Mathieu Morel at Mayfield Depot, Manchester. 
Production and distribution: terrain.
A production of: the Musée de la danse / Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne (2017).

Coproduction: Volksbühne Berlin, Manchester International Festival (MIF), Théâtre National de Bretagne-Rennes, Festival d'Automne à Paris, Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse (Paris), Wiener Festwochen, Sadler's Wells London, Taipei Performing Arts Center

Acknowledgements : Amélie-Anne Chapelain, Julie Cunningham, Mani Mungai, Jolie Ngemi, Sandra Neuveut, Marlène Saldana, Le Triangle - cité de la danse, Charleroi Danses - Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, P.A.R.T.S., Archivio Alighiero Boetti and Fondazione Alighiero e Boetti ; Chiara Oliveri Bertola / Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea

10000 gestures premiered on 14 September 2017 at the Volksbühne, Tempelhof, Berlin, Germany.