Eric Arnal-Burtschy creates immersive experiences in the form of performances, stage projects and installations. His work, driven by research into the physics of the Universe and a questioning of the human being, is presented in numerous theatres, festivals and museums. His creations are formally protean and he collaborates with several creative venues, universities, research centres and industrial and technological companies. They are considered as 'a fascinating, spectacular, immersive and experimental form' (Sylvia Botella, L'Echo) 'close to a new art form' (Aude Lavigne, France Culture) and generating artistic, scientific and technological innovation (Timour Sanli, L'Echo). He is an associate artist at La Rose des vents, scène nationale Lille métropole - Villeneuve d'Ascq and artist in residence at WorkSpaceBrussels and L'L, a research structure in the performing arts in Brussels. He has been an associate researcher at the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) with the Institut d'études avancées de Marseille and the Institut de recherche sur les phénomènes hors équilibre.
Play with me
Installation in motion / 2021
Play with me is a place of encounter and sharing that draws on our natural tendency to experiment and to be caught up in play. It takes the form of a set of devices activated by the swinging, walking or bouncing of users. Each of these devices produces a different rhythm, melodic sequence or harmonies, parts of a musical composition that can be modulated through movement. The arrival of a second user makes it clear that it is possible to develop a close complementarity, encouraging people to play and experiment through the body and music. By creating a collective and spontaneous experience and by playing on the excitement produced by the game, Play with me gives the possibility to free oneself from the social barrier linked to the interaction with strangers and creates the conditions for a possible exchange.
Concept and creation: Eric Arnal-Burtschy. Musical design: Chapelier fou. Architect: Laura Muyldermans
Dance piece, group / Research 2022
Promenade will be a joyful, collective and very physical piece that will reveal a succession of landscapes through the walk of a group of people. Suggesting the structuring of the spaces traversed and the impact they have in terms of the body and the organisation of bodies between them, Promenade will thus reveal the political dimension of our daily environment, composed of the overlapping of social, economic, tourist, predatory, competitive, amorous or poetic strata.
Tour dates
29, 30 novembre, 1, 2 et 3 décembre - Play with me - CDCN Le Gymnase, Roubaix
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 avril - Play with me - De Grote Post, Oostend
Avril 2022 - Play with me - Scène nationale d'Orléans (à confirmer)
Avril/Mai 2022 - Play with me - StormOpKomst, Turnhout
Avril/Mai 2022 - Play with me - StormOpKomst, C-Mine, Genk
Eté 2022 - Play with me - Le Louvre, Lens
Septembre 2022 - Play with me - La Gaîté lyrique, Paris (à confirmer)
Novembre 2022 - Play with me - Kikk Festival, Namur