Tragicomic story of young parents

The French director Tommy Milliot has a preference for contemporary theatre texts, a genre that is a bit overlooked. With Winterreise he brings a play by the Norwegian playwright Fredrik Brattberg to NEXT.

Winterreise is a play about the young parents Alfred and Anne and the ambivalent feelings that come over them at the birth of their first child, Charlotte. A tragicomic and universal story interspersed with black humour and characters who find it hard to communicate.

Brattberg's pen is economical : without frills but ad rem. In 2012 he was granted the prestigious Ibsen Prize for his play Tilbakekomstene, translated into English as 'The returns'. Besides being a writer he's also a composer and a lot of musical principles trickle into his style of writing.

In 2014 director Tommy Milliot founded his own company : Man Haast. Each Man Haast production always starts from the empty (theatre) stage and a contemporary theatre text in an attempt to work in the most elementary way possible. In 2016 the company won the Prix Impatience for Lotissement, after a text by Frédéric Vossier.

Milliot stages Brattberg's Winterreise also with scrupulous attention for lighting, which he takes care of himself. As for sound design, he takes us all along to a well-known noise : that of a crying baby...

TEXT Fredrik Brattberg (Norvège) TRANSLATED FROM Norwegian by Terje Sinding (L'Arche is a theatrical agent of the represented text DIRECTION AND SCENOGRAPHY Tommy Milliot WITH Louise Dupuis, Michèle Gurtner, Matthias Hejnar DRAMATURGY Sarah Cillaire LIGHT & STAGE MANAGER Sarah Marcotte SOUND Gaëlle Hispard, Aurélie Granier SET DESIGN Jeff Garraud ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Marie Cousseau PRODUCTION MAN HAAST COPRODUCTION La rose des vents Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve d’Ascq, Le Festival Actoral, Pôle Arts de la Scène - Friche la Belle de Mai (Marseille) WITH THE SUPPORT OF Montévidéo - Créations contemporaines, du CENTQUATRE-PARIS, du Théâtre de Vanves - Scène conventionnée pour la danse, du Théâtre Paris Villette et de la SPEDIDAM WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF Jeune Théâtre National / Creation October 6th at the Festival Actoral - Marseille / The company MAN HAAST is in companionship with Diphtong Cie / Hubert Colas, with the support of the French Ministry of Culture.