Archive NEXT 2012

Title Withheld (for legal and ethical reasons)

Steven Cohen (South Africa / France)

55 minutes

In 2002 Cohen found the diary a young French Jew kept between 1939 and 1942 on the flea market.

It begins as a holiday project but very soon the tone totally changes. “For 3 years he describes the daily life during the war”, Cohen says. “The information is not new but it is a confirmation of the net that slowly closed around the Jews in those days”.

As a white, Jewish homosexual South-African Cohen recognizes himself in the writings of the young man. “Oppressor and oppressed at the same time”, he says himself. With the diary in hand he then made a piece that balances between performance, testimony, investigation and poetic rattling. Extravagant costumes and make-up, video images, a lightshow and... rats play a prominent role. The whole is put not ón the stage but under it.  “The diary deals with hidden things and people. Therefore, only a secret place is suitable”, he thinks, “a place that the audience usually doesn’t get to see”.

The controversial performance artist Steven Cohen lives and works in Lille. His performances draw attention to marginalized phenomenons in society. Starting-point is his own identity.

Artistic director and performance Steven Cohen / Dramaturge Agathe Berman / Technical Director and light design Erik Houllier / Souds and visual installation Steven Cohen / Animal TrainerGuy Demazure / Costumes and accessories Steven Cohen / Video and sound assistent Anthony Merlaud / Video Director Emmanuel Vautrin / Production management Maria-Carmela Mini / Production Assistent Sarah Demailly / Production Latitudes Prod – Lille / Coproduction Le Festival d’Avignon, BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen, Latitudes Contemporaines (Lille), NEXT Festival, Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai-Valenciennes [FR/B], La Bâtie, Festival de Genève, Bonlieu Scène nationale (Annecy) / With support of la Ville de Lille et le programme Lille Ville d’Arts du futur, de la DRAC Nord-Pas de Calais, de la Région Nord-Pas de Calais, de l’Institut français et du projet Transdigital (FEDER/Interreg IV France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen) et de lille3000 Fantastic et le DICREAM / Thanks to South African Holocaust and Genocide Foundation (Cape Town)