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Les enfants se sont endormis

Anton Tchekhov (Russia) & Daniel Veronese (Argentina)

95 minutes

The Argentine director Daniel Veronese in dialogue with Russian virtuoso author Chekhov? Who ever saw Veronese’s adaptation of Uncle Vanya (2009) knows that this will give off sparks. The present Les enfants se sont endormis is the result of a dramatic adaptation of Chekhov's The Seagull.

Veronese puts ten homeless characters on stage. They seem to have no morals, they manipulate each other, destroy each other. Is there a way out of the impasse?

text and mise en scène Daniel Veronese after La Mouette d’Anton Tchekhov / with Claudio Da Passano, Maria Figueras, Berta Gagliano, Ana Garibaldi, Fernan Mirás, Osmar Nuñez, Maria Onetto, Marcelo d'Andrea, Roly Serrano, Marcelo Subiotto / assistant mise en scène Felicitas Luna / scenography Alberto Negrín / coordination costumes Valeria Cook / diffusion Ligne Directe – Judith Martin / production Sebastián Blutrach / Création au Théâtre San Martin à Buenos Aires, juillet 2011. / coproduction Teatro San Martin – Buenos Aires, Théâtre de la Bastille à Paris, Festival d’Automne à Paris / with the support of l’ONDA