The source of inspiration for the opéra fantasmagorique l'Autre Hiver is the turbulent relationship between the French poets Rimbaud and Verlaine. Both poets met each other on the gangway of a deserted boat while a child was dozing off on an other bridge. The poets converse about the most miscellaneous subjects but the swelling song of the mother slowly rises above the noise of the waves. Two (female) singers, a music ensemble, a children's choir and a ladies' choir accompany this boat trip in the ice-cold water. Some singers are of flesh and blood while others consist of projected faces that look true to life but remain intangible and alienating. L'Autre Hiver is an enchanting international collaboration between music theatre LOD from Ghent and the renowned Cie UBU from Québec.
MUSIC & SOUND INSTALLATION: Dominique Pauwels, LIBRETTO: Normand Chaurette, DIRECTION, SCENOGRAPHY, VIDEO: Denis Marleau, Stéphanie Jasmin, INTERPRETERS: New Music (violin, Laurent Houque, viola, Karel Coninx, cello, Jean-Pol Zanutel, flutes, Berten D'Hollander, clarinets, Cédric Debruycker, piano, André Ristic), CONDUCTOR: Filip Rathé, SINGERS: Lieselot De Wilde, Marion Tassou, LIGHT DESIGN: Éric Soyer, COSTUMES: Greta Goiris, Judith Stokart, VIDEO & MONTAGE: Pierre Laniel, SCULPTOR MASKS, EFFIGIES: Claude Rodrigue, MAKEUP AND HAIR: Angelo Barsetti, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Thierry Mousset, ASSISTANT SET DESIGN: Stéphane Longpré, VIDEO PROJECTIONS: Boyan
Delattre, Lieselot De Wilde, Marianne Pousseur, Simon Schneider, Marion Tassou CHOIRS (recorded)
Coro Gulbenkian, Clara Coelho (conductor), Susana Duarte, Joana Esteves, Patrycja Gabrel (solist), Inês Lopes, Manon Marques, Jorge Matta (attending conductor), Fatima Nunes, Michelle Rollin, Ariana Russo)) & Children's Choir of La Monnaie (under the direction of Aldo Plateau: Aude Brinkmann, Matthias Cruypelinck, Lisa De Vos, Boyan Delattre (solist), Milan Demeyer, Oumaya El Ghazili, Alma Garcia Diaz, Emma Haesenne, Meriam Hishri, Louise Moulaert, Maria Portela (solist), Simon Schneider, Aya Tanaka, Naomie Tapiola, Beatriz Tolkmitt, Laurens Verlinden, TECHNICAL COORDINATION: Nic Roseeuw, TECHNICAL: Brecht Beuselinck, Bram De Cock, Jannes Dierynck, Pino Etz, Wim Piqueur Peter Quasters, REALISATION MASKS: Anna Solal, REALISATION SET DESIGN: NTGent & Martiko, LANGUAGE COACH: Murielle Legrand, PROGRAMMER SOUND: Maarten Craeynest, COORDINATION VIDEO RECORDING: Martin Emond, PRODUCTION MANAGER: Kristel Deweerdt, PRODUCTION: LOD muziektheater, Mons 2015 European Capital of Culture, le manège.mons, UBU compagnie de création COPRODUCTION enoa, The Theatres of the City of Luxembourg, deSingel Antwerp, Maison de la Culture d'Amiens, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, French Theatre of the National Arts Centre Ottawa, TransAmériques Festival, La rose des vents – Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve d'Ascq, Musiques Nouvelles, WITH THE SUPPORT OF: Stad Gent, the Council of Arts and Letters of Quebec, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Arts Council of Montreal, La Monnaie