He had lobsters killed, women shaved, he needled the Church and threw out kilos of food over naked bodies. After that he led a National Theatre Centre in France. In 2018 he was at NEXT for the last time, with Pippo y Ricardo. Afterwards Rodrigo Garcia got a bit fed up with theatre. He writes a lot and stages a performance when he feels like it.
Now the Argentine who has already upended the contemporary art scene so often is back again. With him : three performers who completely ignore the theatre codes, a guitar that doesn't sound like a guitar and a title that refers to the omnipresence of Jesus.
Jésus est sur Tinder (Christ is on Tinder) brings actors together in a special universe with an iconoclastic musician and the figure of Jesus. Why is the latter involved ? Because according to García we take it for granted that he is always there. So here too. Judge for yourself about Jesus, a muddy cross-country motorcycle and a prepared guitar.
Citytrip - 25.11
Want to discover Valenciennes? Enjoy a Citytrip from Kortrijk to visit the town and see some shows!
Text, direction and stage Rodrigo García With Elisa Forcano, Selma Ortega, Javier Pedreira, Carlos Pulpón Lighting by Carlos Marquerie Production La Abadia (Madrid), Actoral (Marseille), NEXT Festival (Valenciennes), Temporada Alta (Girona)
Practical info
FRLe PhénixBd Henri Harpignies
Fri 24.11.23
FRLe PhénixBd Henri Harpignies
Sat 25.11.23
Combine several shows on the same day and save on ticket prices!