Archive NEXT 2019

H2 - Hebron

Winter Family (France / Israel)

Minimum age 15+
60 minutes

The Palestinian city of Hebron, which is controlled by Israel, is divided into zones. The central street of the H2 zone is Shuhada Street, the main artery and the most important market of Hebron. But today it is rather a ghost street which -dixit the Israeli army- has been 'sterilised'. Read : freed from Palestinian inhabitants for 'reasons of safety'.

Ruth Rosenthal and Xavier Klaine, who make music and theatre as Winter Family, travelled to the city where they talked with Jewish colonists, Israeli soldiers, Palestinians and foreign observers. Where in a violent microcosm only Truths exist, let this piece cross voices. In a giant replica of the H2 zone on stage, Rosenthal is the tour guide who leads you along their testimonies, their fears, their hope and their despair.  H2-Hebron thus makes you experience personally the exhausting feeling of this unbearable situation.

Winter Family is a musical duo consisting of Ruth Rosenthal and Xavier Klaine. The couple met in Jaffa in 2004 and have been living together ever since between Paris and Tel Aviv. Next to sound tracks and records the genre of which is described as doom swing, funeral pop or even weird wave, the duo also make documentary music theatre with which they tour world-wide. For H2-Hebron Rosenthal and Klaine worked together with a.o Vooruit in Ghent.

Free buss: 
* 22/11: Departure at 18h from Kortrijk (Parcours)

DESIGN, RESEARCH, DIRECTION AND SCENOGRAPHY Ruth Rosenthal et Xavier Klaine / WITH Ruth Rosenthal / MODELING AND MODEL Quentin Brichet (print Made It - Genève) / LIGHT AND STAGE MANAGER Julienne Rochereau, Théo Tisseuil / VIDEO Olivier Perola / SOUND RECORDINGS AND BROADCASTING Xavier Klaine / SOUND ENGINEER Sébastien TondoAnne Laurin / ARTISTIC COLLABORATION Yael Perlman, Jérôme Vernez, Eric Fesneau, Pali Meursault / TRANSLATION ENGLISH VERSION Tamar Liza Cohen / ADMINISTRATION - PRODUCTION - DIFFUSION EPOC productions Emmanuelle Ossena & Charlotte Pesle Beal / PRODUCTION Winter Family / COPRODUCTION Vooruit-Gand, Nanterre-Amandiers centre dramatique national, MC93-Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, TNB de Rennes, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, le centre de culture ABC de La Chaux-de-Fonds / WITH THE SUPPORT OF la Fonderie, Le Mans / WITH HELP IN CREATING OF DRAC Ile-de-France