Der deutsche Mittagstisch is a short, satirical and brutal piece, in which the Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard expresses his distaste for German society and its implacable fascist ideology. In his adaptation, Cristián Plana placed the action of the play in Chile. In a narrow, white basement a group of six youngsters rehearses songs by Schubert, in preparation for the arrival of the “illustrious” guests. Energetically, Plana lets the caustic discourse of Thomas Bernhard reverberate throughout the local context for over fifty minutes, with a surprising and depressing outcome. 

dramaturgy by Thomas Bernhard / songs of Franz Schubert / adaptation Amalia Kassai / direction Cristián Plana / with Emilia Noguera, Daniela Castillo, Amalia Kassai, Valentina Jorquera,
Gabriel Caños , Gabriel Urzúa, Leo Canales, Daniela Ropert (piano) / direction choir Annie Murath / creation integral Rocío Hernández / décor réalisé par les ateliers du Théâtre du Nord / with the support of Festival International Santiago A Mil / tour
coordinated by La rose des vents, with the support of l’Onda
©L'Arche Editeur pour la langue française