Archive NEXT 2019

Bad Translation

Cris Blanco (Spain)

Minimum age 14+
60 minutes

Bad Translation is a fight in which the analogous wins from the digital. Cris Blanco sees the digital world as a large metaphor for society. In this our 'analogous' life is more and more often converted into a 'digital' language that is shared with the world via a computer.

In Bad Translation the reverse happens.  On stage vijf artists recreate by hand the icon of the digital world : the Mac computer. All functions and mechanisms of the whole Mac universe are 'created' live by means of plastic, textile and other domestic attributes. In this way the performers change the stage as if by magic into an analogous computer: the desktop is a decorated theatre curtain, the maps are made of cardboard and the theatre lighting is the clarity of the screen. In this live making-of you see all dimensions at the same time.

With Bad Translation Blanco asks questions about the translations we make of our life via the computer. Is what happens digitally really so much more interesting than analogous life ? What is the proportion of the time we spend on our computer, telephone or iPad ? Expect an amusing and refreshing performance on a hot current theme.

Since 2003 the Spanish theatre maker Cris Blanco has been making her own productions and is active as a performer in dance, theatre and film.

Central characteristics of her work are the transformation of codes and objects, the mixing of genres such as science fiction and a great attention for the mechanisms of theatre.

Free buss: 

* 16/11: Departure at 14h15 from Kortrijk(Parcours)
* 16/11: Departure at 14h30 from Villeneuve d'Ascq (Parcours)
* 16/11: Departure at 14h30 from Menen (Parcours)

CONCEPTION & WITH Amaranta Velarde, Javier Cruz, Cris Celada, Cris Blanco et Óscar Bueno Rodríguez / PLAYWRIGHT & ARTISTIC ASSISTANT Ayara Hernández / SCENOGRAPHY Javier Cruz et Translator / CHOREOGRAPHY Amaranta Velarde, Ayara Hernández & equipo Translator / TECHNICIANS Roberto Baldinelli et Rubén Ramos / PRODUCTION Cris Blanco / COPRODUCTION Mercat de les Flors / El Graner, La Casa Encendida, Las Naves, y CAET- Centre d’arts scéniques de Terrassa / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Institut Ramon Llull et de A.C.E. (Acción Cultural Española)