Sinds 2019 werkt Yasmeen Godder Company aan de voorstellingenreeks Practicing Empathy. Hoe komt het dat we ons verwant voelen met anderen en dat we connectie maken? En hoe creëren we praktijken, rituelen, liederen en choreografieën die ons helpen complexiteit te ervaren zonder angst of wantrouwen?
Practicing Empathy #3 is de eerste lange solo voor Yasmeen Godder in haar 25-jarige carrière: ze onderzoekt hoe empathie zich verhoudt tot haar eigen lichaam en ervaringen. Welke rol kan (zelf)empathie spelen in de hedendaagse wereld?
Vergeet thuis je inlevingsvermogen niet!
Creation, Choreography, Performance: Yasmeen Godder.
Dramaturgy, Rehearsal Director: Nir Vidan.
“Practicing Empathy” Project Dramaturge: Monica Gillette.
Objects: Gili Avissar.
Construction Design: Gili Godiano.
Light Design: Tamar Orr.
Music: Beating Stick: Track 4 from the album Stick Music by Clogs. Composed by Padma Newsome. Arrangement by Padma Newsome. Performed by Jennifer Choi, Erik Friedlander, Bryce Dessner, Padma Newsome. Asaf Avidan - Different Pulses. Lior Pinsky - Star Glass.
Costume Designer: Shirley Itzik.
Photography: Tamar Lamm.
Production Manager: Omer Alsheich.
Administrative Manager: Zohar Eshel-Acco.
A production by Yasmeen Godder Company and Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. A work commissioned by the festival Frankfurter Positionen 2021, an initiative of the BHFBank Foundation. Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
The production was supported by the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs, the general consulate of Germany, and Japan.