Archive NEXT 2023

Traces - Discours aux Nations Africaines

Felwine Sarr (Sénégal), Etienne Minoungou (Burkina Faso) & Simon Winsé (Burkina Faso)

Âge recommandé 12+
60 minutes
En Français
Surtitré en Néerlandais
Directed by Etienne Minoungou
Outside view Aristide Tarnagda
With Etienne Minoungou
Musician Simon Winse
Video Emmanuel Toe
Lighting design Rémy Brans
A Théâtre de Namur production In coproduction with Festival Les Récréatrales - Ouagadougou, Festival AfriCologne. With the support from the Fondation von Brochowski Sud-Nord ( Distributed by La Charge du Rhinoceros With the support of the Institut Français.