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Cindy Van Acker (Belgium / Switzerland) & Cie Greffe (Belgium / Switzerland)

60 minutes

Mystical get-together of dance, music and poetry

“Zaoum” is a Russian concept that is difficult to translate : it means something like 'beyond reason”. The poet Aleksej Kroetsjonych described it as “a language that has no fixed meaning and in spite of that (or because of that ?) a fuller power of expression ; his colleague Velimir Chlebnikov called it “the language of the birds”.

It is this very mystical “zaoum” that is the basis of the new piece of the Flemish-Swiss choreographer Cindy Van Acker because the zaoum has in fact been created to shape primordial emotions and sensations : an eminent starting point.

Next to this she mainly reverts to the composition Quando stanno morendo by the Italian composer Luigi Nono, which in its turn reverts to some seven poems, two of them by Chlebnikov.

Zaoum is not only a philosophical ride but also sparkles through its décor made by Victor Roy, Cindy Van Acker's regular stage designer. Indeed, Van Acker is convinced that scenography must inextricably be linked with the choreography, even be part of it.


As a dancer Van Acker was associated with Koninklijk Ballet van Vlaanderen and the Grand Théâtre of Geneva for a long time until she decided to go her own way. In 2002 she founded the Compagnie Greffe after the international success of corps 00.00. Three years later this performance was shown at the Biennale of Venice at the invitation of Romeo Castelllucci, with whom she regularly works together. 

CHOREOGRAPHY Cindy Van Acker DANCE Stéphanie Bayle, Marthe Krummenacher, Gennaro Lauro, Francesca Ruggerini, Raphaëlle Teicher, Elia Van Acker, Rudi van der Merwe, Daniela Zaghini SCENOGRAPHY Victor Roy LIGHT DESIGN Luc Gendroz MUSIC Quando stanno morendo. Diario polacco N.2 by Luigi Nono SOUND, EPILOG MUSIC Samuel Pajand COSTUMES Kata Tóth PRODUCTION, ADMINISTRATION Cie Greffe BOOKING Tutu Production COPRODUCTION adc-Genève, Arsenic Lausanne, Théâtre Les Halles à Sierre SUPPORTED BY Loterie Romande, Fondation Leenaards, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Pour-cent culturel Migros, Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung, une fondation privée genevoise et Corodis.