Archive NEXT 2020


Delphine Abrecht (Switzerland), Yan Duyvendak (Switzerland), Kaedama (France) & Jean-Daniel Piguet (Switzerland)

Minimum age 15+
Ticket buyers will be personally notified.
# Virus is an online game that sends the players into the future. We are 2032, COVID - 19 lies behind us. Thanks to the changes in conscience that have ensued, vast parts of the world are now organised by self-governing egalitarian groups. Fossil fuels have been banned and large C02 pumps that invert climatic warming have been installed.
There isn’t any poverty or inequality left in the world. So, everything goes well.
But a new extremely contagious virus with a death toll of 55% emerged a few months ago. It is very dangerous to leave your home. That’s why the players are at home behind their screen. For ecological reasons the daily connection time is limited to 45 minutes. During those 45 minutes they participate in the general assembly of a self-governing society to organise their present. And perhaps play their future.
The general assembly takes place on the game platform Twitch. After the presentation of the order of the day, debates are organised during which the members of the community can discuss tricky, disputable or light subjects of their social life.

Project in cooperation with Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève

> Mon 16 November 2020 - 10:00 & 20:00 - ENGLISH
> Wed 18 November 2020 - 20:00 - FRENCH



by: Delphine Abrecht, Yan Duyvendak, Kaedama, Jean-Daniel Piguet
Game concept : Corentin Lebrat, Théo Rivière / Kaedama, Thomas Köppel

MC :
FR : Delphine Abrecht, Jean-Daniel Piguet
EN : Paul Berrocal, Danaé Dario
Technics : Thomas Köppel 
Management : Marine Magnin
International Development : Judith Martin / Ligne Directe
Creative production and Communication: Charlotte Terrapon
Production : Dreams Come True, Genève
Coproduction : La Comédie, Genève (CH); Arsenic - Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne (CH); Les SUBS, lieu vivant d’expériences artistiques, Lyon (FR); Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Dresde (DE); International Summer Festival Kampnagel, Hamburg (DE); Scène nationale Carré-Colonnes / Bordeaux Métropole (FR); le phénix scène nationale Valenciennes (FR) / NEXT Festival (EU); Grand Theatre / Noorderzon Festival, Groningue (NL); Zürcher Theaterspektakel (CH); Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève (CH);
Supports: Ville de Genève; République et Canton de Genève; Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council ; Pour-cent culturel MIGROS, CORODIS, Loterie Romande, Fondation suisse des artistes interprètes SIS;