Archive NEXT 2020

Vague Intérieur Vague

Julie Nioche (France) & A.I.M.E. (France)

Minimum age 13+
55 minutes

We all know them : waves that, as if by surprise, seem to penetrate us. We don't understand them. We do know that they cause powerful changes in us which are not necessarily visible from the outside. Most of the time these sensations are provoked by small events : a meeting, a light, a smell, a landscape, some music, a voice, a silence, some news, an absence, a contact, a look, a word...

Vague Intérieur Vague probes the intangible sensations that determine us from inside. As a dancer and a choreographer, Julie Nioche is interested in the many personages or voices that define the complexity of our inner life. How do you find access to this versatility that makes us be overwhelmed by our imagination or transformed by our perceptions ? With five dancers, two live musicians and a moving scenography, Nioche starts an investigation.

Julie Nioche is a dancer and a choreographer. As a professional osteopath Nioche starts from the stories bodies tell her. Her creations want to visualize sensitivity and imagination and formulate dance as an opportunity to meet. In view of this performance she organised L'heure intérieure, meeting sessions between each time one dancer and one inhabitant of the neighbourhood where she was rehearsing. Thus also the 'inner side' of Vague intérieur Vague is composed of movements, words and images the dancers have exchanged with others.