Archive NEXT 2013

Usually Beauty Fails

Frédérick Gravel (Canada) & Group d'Art Gravel Art Group (Canada)

90 minutes

Usually beauty is doomed to fail. Starting from this idea, the Canadian choreographer, dancer, guitar-player, singer and light designer presents a suspiciously aesthetic performance. Is it a concert, an experimental play or a dance show ? The creations of Gravel are all that rolled into one. Three musicians plug in their amplifiers and six dancers are ready to burst out. The energy of the pop music strengthens the rhythm. The energy of desire sets the stage ablaze. Usually beauty fails is an unvarnished surrealist metaphor for our relationship with beauty, the shock that is called love and the challenges you are confronted with when you go for the adventure of a relationship. The mix of physical restraint and fierce effort results in a nervous dialogue of human projectiles, outbursts, false starts, repetitions and broken-off movements. Gravel grabs the microphone and gives a cheeky but humorous speech about dance and Man as a social animal. A daring combination of popular culture and choreography, a refreshing, sensual performance which represents conflict as art and elevates the imperfection of reality to aesthetics.

Frédérick Gravel’s work is notable for its unique tone, his stage wisdom and the way in which he makes the audience an accomplice of his performances.

Free buss from:
* Courtrai (30/11) départure 18h00 from Conservatorium (Parcours with Brokentalkers and See You NEXT Time)

COREALISATION WITH Le Gymnase/CDC / CONCEPT, DIRECTION AND CHOREOGRAPHY Frédérick Gravel / MUSIC AND DANCE PERFORMERS ON STAGE Stéphane Boucher, Frédérick Gravel, Hugo Gravel, Brianna Lombardo, Frédéric Tavernini, Peter Trosztmer, Lucie Vigneault, Jamie Wright / MUSIC COMPOSITION Stéphane Boucher, Philippe Brault / ASSISTANT CREATION Ivana Milicevic / REHEARSAL DIRECTOR Jamie Wright / LIGHT Alexandre Pilon-Guay / TECHNICAL DIRECTOR David-Alexandre Chabot / SOUND Louis Carpentier / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Marie-Andrée Gougeon for Daniel Léveillé danse / COPRODUCTION in collaboration with the Place des Arts / Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis (France) / Moving in November (Helsinki) / ACCUEIL STUDIO Département de danse de l’Université du Québec à Montréal ; Société de la Place des Arts ; Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique ; Centre Segal / DEVELOPMENT George Skalkogiannis / AGENT IN BENELUX Sarah de Ganck, Art Happens / WITH THE SUPPORT OF the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and Canada Council for the Arts / Frédérick Gravel receives administratrive support from Daniel Léveillé danse company (Montréal) as part of his touring sponsorship project. Frédérick Gravel est membre de Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique Something chimes in me, a musical work by Stéphane Boucher, is a courtesy of Éditions Éloize