Christine De Smedt’s starting point for Untitled 4 was the discovery that she had never made use of biographical elements in her work. What would make her personal story interesting for an audience? And ... what is personal? Is the dividing line between public and personal not very thin? And is even a personal story not always a construction? De Smedt interviewed four fellow choreographers and then combined the four portraits into a performance she brings to the stage, alone.

concept and interpretation Christine De Smedt / support and artistic collaboration Kristien van den Brande, Bojana Cvejic, Vladimir Miller, Ana Vujanovic / vocal coach Eurudike De Beul / technicians Sam Serruys, Bennert Van Cottem / production les ballets C de la B / coproduction Musée de la danse, Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne, NEXT festival, Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk- Tournai + Valenciennes, Pact Zollverein / with the support of des autorités flamandes, de la ville de Gand, de la Province de la Flandre-Orientale