Archive NEXT 2021

Un Renversement - von Don Giovanni

Aliénor Dauchez (France / Germany) & La Cage (France / Germany)

Minimum age 16+
117 minutes

The musical theatre company La Cage, founded in 2015 between Paris and Berlin, cheerfully mixes old and contemporary repertoires. Think of the remake of Votre Faust by Michel Butor and Henri Pousseur, in which 23 musicians, singers and actors were brought together for an opera in the form of a fun fair, of which the spectators choose the end !

Aliénor Dauchez, associated with La rose des vents as an artist, has a special fascination for Mozart's Don Giovanni, one of the little gems from his trilogy with librettist Lorenzo da Ponte. No better opera 'to turn topsy-turvy'. In the original story women are seduced and abused and have to put their trust in men to defend them.

In their power relations, Dauchez questions the role of the body, which is thought through here unto the heart of the chords and harmonies. The score is performed by a soprano, a baritone and three instrumentalists (harpsichord, sythesizer, flute, violin and electro) without distinction of sex. Historic versions of the opera are confronted with live sounds. In this Don Giovanni tradition is shaken up and firmly anchored in the present.

Aliénor Dauchez was trained as an engineer. She is also a visual artist, a performer and a director of musical theatre, and as artistic director of La Cage, she embraces the avant-garde to give contemporary music and musical theatre a new face. The company is active both in France and Germany, and has been invited to Russia, Switzerland and Canada.

Programmation outside the walls of La rose des vents in Tourcoing corealisation with l'Atelier Lyrique de Tourcoing

Director Aliénor Dauchez / Composition Marta Zapparoli / Musical director Johannes Keller, Ensemble Il Profondo / WITH Michiko Takahashi (Soprano), Thorbjörn Björnsson (Actor, baritone), Johannes Keller (Harpsichord), Anna Fusek (Synthesizer, flute, violin) / Electronics Marta Zapparoli / Set and Costume Design Michael Kleine / Dramaturgy Bastian Zimmermann / Assistant Director Maud Morillon / Set and Costume Design Assistant Cassandra Cristin / Stage Manager Sebastian Söllner / Sound Manager Margaux Robin / Lighting director in progress / Production Manager Jérôme Broggini, David Eckelmann / Diffusion Laurent Langlois / PRODUCTION La Cage / Coproduction La rose des vents Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve d’Ascq / Festival Next, Gare du Nord Basel / Aid and support Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa Berlin, Région Hauts-de-France, Musikfonds, Théâtre de l’Aquarium, Le Bateau Feu SN Dunkerque, Theater im Delphi Berlin, Festspielhaus Hellerau Dresde (Production in progress)

Aliénor Dauchez is an associate artist of La rose des vents, Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve d’Ascq