Archive NEXT 2010

Une guerre personnelle

Tatiana Frolova (Russia)

80 minutes

In the book La couleur de la guerre (The colour of war), Arkady Babtchenko speaks about his experiences as a soldier in the Russian Chechen war. Tatiana Frolova divides the book into thirteen pieces of text and plays in her theatrical adaptation on all the senses: images, sounds, smells and tactile sensations contribute to the viewer's full experience of the subjective sensation of war.

based on Alkhan Yourt (dans ‘La Couleur de la guerre*’) and other scripts of d’Arkadi Babtchenko /
direction, concept video and music Tatiana Frolova / lights and music Dmitry Bocharov, Tatiana Frolova /
video Vladimir Smirnov / translation and stage development
Sophie Gindt / with Gabriel Almaer (France), Elena Bessonova, Dmitry Bocharov, Vladimir Dmitriev (Théâtre KnAM) / ‘La couleur de la guerre’ d’Arkadi Babtchenko est paru chez Gallimard / production Théâtre KnAM (Russie), En Compagnie
d’Eux (France) / coproduction NEXT-La rose des vents, Festival Passages – à l’est de l’Europe et ailleurs, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne / with the support of Fonds
Prokhorov (Russie), la Compagnie de l’Oiseau-Mouche/Le Garage, Théâtre de l’Oiseau-Mouche – Roubaix
* La Couleur de la guerre, trad. Véronique Patte, Ed. Gallimard