Archive NEXT 2013


Abke Haring (Netherlands) & Toneelhuis (Belgium)

Three men, two women : the night shift. With ingrained discipline these factory workers execute their routine actions. They talk but underneath their words streams a deeper life. Man is the machine, the machine is Man. In her performance the young theatre maker Abke Haring wants to deal with disrupted continuing without thinking, postponed insight, knowing without being able, ignoring consciousness. All the time sensuality seeps into the trivial conversation and brainless movements. Or does it actually seep out ? Trainer is a choreography of movement and conversation, an industrial mantra. “It will be a visual performance, a perfomance with players, objects and text, in which rhythm, repetition and sensuality play an important part”, says Abke Haring. “The scenery will be built up and broken down again. The players will be inside a machine and at the same time bé the machine itself. I want to examine the sensuality of repetition without doubt or reflection. The individual will be allowed to be present but will also have to disappear in a pumping organism that does not belong to the here and now. Braindead excitement.”

Abke Haring (1978) is of Dutch origin but a great deal of her theatre work happens in Belgium. She studied at the Herman Teirlinck Studio and subsequently acted in numerous Toneelhuis productions. Since 2003 she has also created her own performances.

TEXTE & DIRECTION Abke Haring / WITH Abke Haring, Ruud Gielens, Marlies Heuer, Jonas Vermeulen, Misha Downey / SCENOGRAPHY Jean Bernard Koeman / SOUND DESIGN Senjan Jansen / LIGHT DESIGN Stefan Alleweireldt / DANCE COLLABORATION Pieter Ampe/ PRODUCTION Toneelhuis