Archive NEXT 2019


Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol (Mexico)

Minimum age 15+
75 minutes

For a ridiculously low price the United States put out their industrial production to the Mexican border town of Tijuana. This practice is encouraged by the local authority and incites many workers to cross the border in search of better paid work.

For six months actor Gabino Rodriguez assumed the identity of Santiago Ramirez, a local factory worker who had to get by on a minimum wage. This theatre docu shows the disturbing story of his personage and the ethical dilemmas of a community that has lost confidence in its government. But he also gives evidence of friendships and mutual solidarity. Through texts, videos and audiotapes, documentary and fiction are mixed and Ramirez' adventure strikes you hard as steel.

A confrontational social portrait by one of the key figures of Latin American documentary theatre. 


For more than fifteen years Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol has uncovered the contradictions of Mexico. Founders Luisa Pardo and Gabino Rodriguez have made their name as actor and director both in cinema and theatre. From the conviction that part of Mexico's history remains hidden, they narrate the great and small events that form and have formed the country. They showed their work before a.o at Kunstenfestivaldesarts and Festival d'Automne. Tijuana is an instalment of a large-scale project about the contemporary history of Mexico. Of the 32 planned parts 4 have meanwhile been completed.

CONCEPT AND PERFORMANCE Gabino Rodríguez / BASED ON TEXTS AND IDEAS BY Andrés Solano, Arnoldo Galves Suarez, Martin Caparrós, Gunter Walraff / STAGE MANAGEMENT, LIGHTING DESIGN Sergio López Vigueras / SET DESIGN Pedro Pizarro / SOUND DESIGN Juan Leduc / VIDEO Chantal Peñalosa, Carlos Gamboa / ARTISTIC COLLABORATION Francisco Barreiro / PRODUCTION Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol / EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION EUROPE Association Sens Interdits