NRC Handelsblad called his last performance Dark Field Analysis the very best of 2018. In his new work The Quiet Jefta Van Dinther -to be seen before at NEXT with Protagonist, Grind and As it empties out- creates a choreography that is ordinary and yet disturbing. Space, sound, time and body are interwoven. Singing and praying five women move forward in previously defined patterns until an intoxicating trance arises. By focusing the attention on the intergenerational, The Quiet gets into touch with a few aspects of time that are overlooked too often : the taking of time or the letting it pass. A rare pause for an overstrung world.
Choreographer and dancer Jefta Van Dinther works and lives in Stockholm and Berlin. The moving body is at the centre of his work and interacts with light, sound and materials that form an environment of perception and sensation. His work is about labour, illusion and creepy darkness, the visible and the invisible and processes voice, movement and image into one whole with space and light. For this performance Van Dinther again works together with light designer Minna Tiikkainen, sound designer David Kiers and set designer Cristina Nyffeler. This creative quartet created among others the much-praised Dark Field Analysis which is still going around the world.
CHOREOGRAPHY Jefta van Dinther / CREATED AND PERFORMED BY Linda Adami, Alexandra Campbell, Lisa Drake, Cecilia Roos, Agnieszka Dlugoszewska and Kristine Slettevold / LIGHTING DESIGN Minna Tiikkainen / SET DESIGN & COSTUME Cristina Nyffeler Sound David Kiers and Slowdive (for the track Falling Ashes) / VOICE Lisa Drake / TEXT Jefta van Dinther, Alexandra Campbell, Lisa Drake, Cecilia Roos and Mandoline Whittlesey / ASSISTANT CHOREOGRAPHER Thiago Granato / ARTISTIC ADVICE Gabriel Smeets / TECHNICAL COÖRDINATION Bennert Vancottem / SOUND TECHNICIAN Stephan Woehrmann / SPECIAL THANKS TO Anna Grip and Pia Kräme