Archive NEXT 2022

The making of Berlin

Berlin (Belgium)

Minimum age 15+
120 minutes

Between fact and fiction : the ultimate mindfuck

"The brilliant theatre film The making of Berlin overwhelms from beginning to end" (Gilles Michiels, De Standaard ★★★★★)

After a performance of ZVIDAL during the Berliner Festspiele the makers of Berlin met with a spirited elderly German. They start talking and are captivated by his improbable story. A few talks and weeks later they decide to dedicate the last part of their Holoceen cycle, in which they make various city portraits, to him.

The performance focuses on the life of the old Berliner, who worked as an orchestra director with the Berliner Philharmoniker. The man's dearest wish is to go back in time to complete an unfinished chapter in his life. With the help of radio Klara, BERLIN commits itself to helping the man to realise his dream. Gradually though, they find cracks in his narrative and the whole project is at risk.

But The making of Berlin is also a portrait of a city, with the masterly music of Wagners Gotterdammerung in a crucial role. With live music on stage and the orchestra of Opera Ballet Vlaanderen on film.

BERLIN is an Antwerp company that is known for its documentary theatre work. Driving forces Bart Baele and Yves Degryse prefer starting from an existing story, on which they shine a different light via film and theatre. It gives them a unique place in the Flemish performing arts, which gained them de Vlaamse Cultuurprijs voor de Podiumkunsten in 2015. Last year at NEXT BERLIN also showed the introspective Ramble Song.

Free buss:
  • Departure at 19:00 from Kortrijk (BK6)


Co-produced with CC De Schakel

Direction: Yves Degryse              
With: Friedrich Mohr, Martin Wuttke, Stefan Lennert, Werner Buchholz, Alisa Tomina, Krijn Thijs, Chantal Pattyn, Symphonic Orchestra Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, Alejo Pérez, Yves Degryse, Caroline Große, Michael Becker, Claire Hoofwijk, Alejandro Urrutia, Marek Burák, Marvyn Pettina, Farnaz Emamverdi, team BERLIN: Jane Seynaeve, Eveline Martens, Jessica Ridderhof, Geert De Vleesschauwer, Sam Loncke, Manu Siebens, Kurt Lannoye, team Opera Ballet Vlaanderen: Jan Vandenhouwe, Lise Thomas, Eva Knapen, Christophe De Tremerie
Video and video editing: Geert De Vleesschauwer, Fien Leysen, Yves Degryse.  
Internship video editing: Maria Feenstra.
Drone shots: Yorick Leusink, Solon Lutz.
Behind the scenes footage: Fien Leysen.
Scenography: Manu Siebens.    
Construction set: Manu Siebens, Ina Peeters, Rex Tee, Joris Festjens.
Set design and construction film: Jessica Ridderhof, Klaartje Vermeulen, Ruth Lodder, Ina Peeters.
Musical composition and mixing: Peter Van Laerhoven.
Live music: Rozanne Descheemaeker or Matea Majic/Diechje Minne.
Music film: Peter Van Laerhoven, Tim Coenen, Symphonic Orchestra Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. Conducted by: Alejo Pérez.
Mixing orchestra: Maarten Buyl.
Sound design and mixing: Arnold Bastiaanse.
Sound recordings: Bas De Caluwé, Maarten Moesen, Bart Vandebril      
Translation and subtitling: Dorien Beckers, Maria Feenstra, Annika Serong, Nadine Malfait, Isabelle Grynberg.
Technical coordination: Manu Siebens, Geert De Vleesschauwer.           
Production management: Jessica Ridderhof.
Production assistance germany: Daniela Schwabe, Gordon Schirmer     
Research wagner: Clem Robyns, Piet De Volder.
Internship research: Annika Serong.
Photography: Koen Broos, Gordon Schirmer.
Business management [from 2022 on]: Tine Verhaert. 
Business management [until 2021]: Kurt Lannoye.
Day-to-day coordination and production: Jane Seynaeve.
Distribution: Eveline Martens.
Communications: Sam Loncke.
Production: BERLIN
Coproductions: DE SINGEL [Antwerp, BE], le CENTQUATRE-PARIS [FR], Opera Ballet Vlaanderen [BE], C-TAKT [Limburg, BE], Vooruit [Ghent, BE], Theaterfestival Boulevard [Den Bosch, NL], Berliner Festspiele [DE] with the support of the Flemish Government, Sabam for Culture, Tax Shelter of the Belgian federal government via Flanders Tax Shelter BERLIN is associated artist at DE SINGEL [Antwerp, BE] and artiste associé at le CENTQUATRE-PARIS [FR].
Acknowledgements to: Linnen Berlin, Xaveriuscollege, Zaal Billy, corso, Klara, Oderberger Hotel, Het nieuwstedelijk, De Munt - La Monnaie, Cornelius Puschke, Lisa Homburger, Jill Barnes, Aino El Sohl, Natasha Padabed, Max-Philip Aschenbrenner, Carena Schlewitt, Myriam De Clopper, Barbara Raes, Dirk Rochtus, Anneleen Hermans, Mark Reybrouck, Karen Vermeiren, Guido Spruyt, Hannes D'Hoine, Niels Kloet, Roel Gelderland, Mark Dedecker, Eric Mostert/VMOO, Cees Vossen.