Archive NEXT 2017

The Script

Kassys (Netherlands) & Tristero (Netherlands / Belgium)

60 minutes

6 actors and only 1 solo : a theatre experiment.

What would happen if a director gave one solo to six different actors ? And asked them on stage at the same time the same evening ? This double question is the starting point for The Script, a contemporary theatre experiment.

There is a group on stage and yet there is no direct contact. The actors do their thing separately, bound by the script that was sent to them. Do they grant one another a place in the spotlights or do they play selfishly hamming it up ? Do they want to be at someone's service or not ? Chance meetings and the need for interaction with a partner seem to put their loyalty to the script to the test.

Director Liesbeth Gritter wants to examine how the interpretations of one and the same solo can differ, and more generally she zooms in on how we as people live next to one another. Because although you may be part of a group, we all fall prey to a form of existential loneliness.

The Dutch theatre company Kassys was already at NEXT Artsfestival with Cadavre Exquis (2012) and Total Eclipse of the Heart (2015). Their work always starts from irritation, curiosity and/or concern about human behaviour mechanisms. The thin line between what is 'fake' and what is 'real' plays a crucial role in this.

The Script is a co-production with the Brussels theatre collective Tristero.

TEXT & DIRECTION Liesbeth Gritter ADVICE Peter Vandenbempt DIRECTION ASSISTANT Willemijn Zevenhuijzen and Vincent Brons PLAY Thijs Bloothoofd, Milan Boele van Hensbroek, Ayrton Fraenk, Harm van Geel, Esther Snelder and Peter Vandenbempt PRODUCTION, PUBLICITY & SALES ProductieCollectief / Markell / Helmann MANAGEMENT Mark Walraven COPRODUCTION Tristero WITH SUPPORT OF NFPK, AFK en Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds