Can a crowd organize itself in order to achieve a common purpose ? The title Multitud probes the difference between the crowd and the mass. Whereas a crowd is usually seen as an uncontrollable and fickle group, a mass is more than a sum of individuals. Recent crises in, for example South and North America but also in Europe, incite people to organise themselves again as a political or social collective.
Tamara Cubas was born under the military dictatorship in Uruguay. In Multitud she examines the possibility of resistance and the power of diversity within a group. What influence do bodies exercise and undergo in a collective ? Cubas tries to expose what may happen within the dynamic space among human bodies. The performance starts from simple actions, such as walking, running, falling, laughing and crying, which become extra significant in group. Some sixty local participants of all ages and horizons work together with Cubas. With them, she created a powerful chorus choreography which in its versatility shows the power of differences.
Tamara Cubas danced with Brazilian choreographers such as Marcelo Evelin, produced videos and exhibited in Latin America, Europe and the United States. Recurrent themes are memory, power and collectivity. In 2015 Cubas represented Uruguay with Multitud at the twelfth Biennale of Havana, a prominent festival in Latin America.
Free buss:
* Departure at 18h30 from Valenciennes
* Departure at 19h15 from Villeneuve d'Ascq
* Departure at 19h15 from Doornik
CHOREOGRAPHY Tamara Cubas / LIGHT Leticia Skrycky, Sebastian Alies / MUSIC Francisco Lapetina y Martin Craciun / PRODUCTION Perro Rabioso