Archive NEXT 2010


Berlin (Belgium)

75 minutes

Six characters sit at a conference table. They discuss the new destination of an empty building on a Brownfield site. The six are given form through vertically mounted flat screens, but thanks to clever editing, it seems as if they are really discussing matters with each other on stage.


concept Berlin [Bart Baele and Yves Degryse] / camera Bart Baele / interviews Yves Degryse / montage
Bart Baele, Geert De Vleesschauwer / soundtrack and mixing Peter Van Laerhoven / recordings sound Tom De With, Maarten Moesen, Dimitry De Cock / coordination production Natalie Schrauwen / research
Berlin / technical coordination Linde Raedschelders / business coordination Kurt Lannoye / stage production Kate Olsen / decor Manu Siebens, Ateliers Schauspielhaus Essen / assistence postproduction
Frank Lanssen / catering Kim Troubleyn / with Sheik Hani Yamani, Hans-Jürgen Best, Kaspar Kraemer, Wolfgang Kintscher, Thomas Rempen, Rolf Heyer, Kostas Mitsalis, And others / production BERLIN / coproduction Theater der Welt [Mülheim, DE], STUK [Leuven, BE], Festival TEMPS D'IMAGES 2010 / La Ferme du Buisson, [Scène Nationale de Marne-la-Vallée, FR], Wiener Festwochen [Vienna, AT] /
with support of The Flemish Government, BERLIN is artist in residence in STUK Kunstencentrum
[Leuven, BE]