Archive NEXT 2013


Emke Idema (Netherlands)

75 minutes

What happens when people look at other people ? This is what the young Dutch theatre maker Emke Idema is curious about. See Stranger as a life-size board game, a playful platform that tries to reveal the tension between our intuition and our social norms. De Volkskrant speaks about a brilliant concept with risky edges. And Vrij Nederland describes the performance as “cheerful and liberating, but the painful reality that underlies the game is always lurking around the corner”.

Emke Idema didn’t skate on thin ice to make this performance. She stepped into the street to photograph and interview passers-by. She talked to social and neuropsychologists, interrogated people in a so-called ‘first impressions lab’, organised test sessions and only then did she create the final game. At the beginning the spectator chooses his own role : player, member of the jury, or supporter, depending on how active you want or dare to be. A voice-over introduces the game and coaches it until the end. Problems and uncertainties are solved by the audience itself. Exciting !

Emke Idema (1980) designs “social and political labs” in which she studies social mechanisms, patterns and behaviour in our society. The audience is both subject and object. Will you join in?

Free buss from:
* Kortrijk (21/11) at 19h30 from Conservatorium

CONCEPT AND PERFORMANCE Emke Idema / PRODUCTION Productiehuis Generale Oost, Huis van Bourgondië & Festival Over het IJ / ADVICE Edit Kaldor, Nienke Scholts / PHOTOGRAPHER Pim Geerts / SOUND DESIGN Joost Steltenpool / PRODUCTION ASSISTANT AND ADVICE Roos Euwe / MANY THANKS TO DasArts, Rein Hartog, Arie Bults, Piet Menu, the people on the photos and all practice players