Archive NEXT 2017

Se sentir Vivant

Yasmine Hugonnet (Switzerland)

55 minutes

Stand-up through all the channels of the body.

“A discreet confession of which each movement hits”  (Le Temps)

How do we stay in contact with ourselves day in day out ? How do we feed the awareness that we are alive ? In Se sentir vivant  the Swiss dancer and choreographer Yasmine Hugonnet goes in search of the voice that confirms our existence.

This voice passes through our vocal cords, of course, but it also shows in our eyes, our hands, the rest of our body. And opposite the voice that fills the space and that we can hear there's the inner voice that hides.

By means of ventriloquism -a craft which Hugonnet has practised these last years- she brings the inner voice into being. Hugonnet describes ventriloquism not as a form of speaking but as a form of listening to a voice that seems to develop independently of the speaker. The voice of fleeting thoughts and hidden brainwork.

Se sentir vivant is in other words a dance solo in which one woman communicates with her audience through thousand and one voices. Stand-up  but through all the channels of the body.

Yasmine Hugonnet was a laureate of the Pépinières Européennes for young artists and since 2009 has operated under the name Ars Mouvementés. Before that she danced for Jean-Marc Heim, Jo Strömgren and Luc Petton.

With her previous three solos  -Le Ritual des Fausses Fleurs, Le Récital des Postures and La Traversée des Langues – she won a lot of praise and La Ronde / Quator, a performance for four dancers, was shown a.o. at the Festival des Rencontres Choréographiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis and at the Venice Biennale.

CONCEPT, TEXTS & PERFORMANCE Yasmine Hugonnet LIGHTING DESIGN Dominique Dardant COSTUMES Karine Dubois SOUND SET Stéphane Vecchione RESEARCH & EXTERNAL VIEW Mathieu Bouvier MUSICALITY & EXTERNAL VIEW Mickael Nick REPLAYS & EXTERNAL VIEW Audrey Gaisan Doncel ADMINISTRATION & PRODUCTION Virginie Lauwerier DIFFUSION Jérôme Pique SUPPORT Canton de Vaud, Loterie Romande, Ville de Lausanne, Pro Helvetia, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Migros Vaud COPRODUCTION Arsenic – centre d’arts scéniques PRODUCTION Arts Mouvementés RESIDENCE Théâtre Arsenic, Théâtre Sévelin 36, La Briqueterie – CDC du Val de Marne STUDIO SUPPORT Centre National de la Danse – Pantin, Laboratoire d’Aubervilliers, Regard du Cygne – Paris