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Petite Nature

Cie l’Unanime (France)

Absurd stream of images of the enchanting and frightening nature.

Can a mountain be destroyed ? What if it rains walking sticks ? And how does a pebble feel ? These are only a few of the naive, intriguing questions the young French collective l'Unanie asks itself. In Petite Nature  they bring the outside world into the theatre in a four-dimensional absurd spectacle for which they intensively prepared during a year. Lots of tens of investigative little films on their website are an excellent proof of this preparatory work. Prepare for moving décors, a coloured island, a lot of smoke, invisible objects, wild pursuits, nightfall...or other experiments that conjure up bizarre nature on stage in an associative stream of images. The four boys on stage (in shorts) build décors, then break them down again, ski without snow and imagine that a series of shopping trolleys is a flock of sheep. In short : they explore highly imaginative stories about the unpredictable, wild, inspiring, restful, edible and frightening nature in which they -just like us- are living...

Compagnie l'Unanime is Eugène Riousse, Augustin Grenèche, Eflamm Labeyrie, Cyril Ollivier and Laura Fouqueré. They studied at artschools ; play the trumpet and sing ; make films and sometimes also beer and sausages ; and they love grand panoramic landscapes like little lakes and mountains. Since 2012 l'Unanime have been wondering about the things that surround them and they are especially interested in the exciting border between what is real and what is invented. Petite Nature is their second project after the cinematic concert Marée Haute from 2012. This collective likes striving after the impossible, authenticity but also that which they cannot believe in, reality as well as the incomprehensible. After Petite Nature by these young dogs you'll never look at the nature around you in the same way !

*Kortrijk - 30.11, 18:30

CONCEPTION AND PRODUCTION Compagnie l’Unanime WITH Eugène Riousse, Augustin Grenèche, Eflamm Labeyrie, Cyril Ollivier & Laura Fouqueré LIGHTING DESIGN César Godefroy SOUND DESIGN Marco Benigno COSTUME DESIGN Constance Grenèche MUSIC Cyril Ollivier VIDÉO Laura Fouqueré SINGING INTERVENER Isabelle Favreau GRAPHISM Perrine Detrie ADMINISTRATION AND PRODUCTION Jenny Suarez STAGE SET Erol Gülgönen and artistic collaboration Axel Gouala PRODUCTION Compagnie l’Unanime COPRODUCTION le Vivat – Scène conventionnée danse & théâtre d’Armentières, Maisons Folie de Lille Wazemmes et Moulins – Structures culturelles pluridisciplinaires WITH THE SUPPORT OF Monfort – Paris, Fabriques Culturelles – Lille, Fabrique Éphéméride – Fabrique culturelle de Val-de-Reuil, Fées d’hiver – Centre de création d’arts numériques de Crevoux, Centre National de la Danse – Pantin, Haute École des Arts du Rhin, Next Festival – Eurométropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai et Valenciennes, Fonds SACD Musique de Scène