A singular project in the landscape of French theatre,Partage de midi is performed and directed by four great actors. This unusual piece, being autobiographical, is wreathed in the very flesh of the intimate tragedies of the author. In order to express the conflict of contradictory desires, Claudel invents a unique language, far from the academic, which utilizes a veritable physical theatricality.

direction : Gaël Baron, Nicolas Bouchaud, Charlotte Clamens, Valérie Dréville, Jean-François Sivadier 
with Gaël Baron, Nicolas Bouchaud,
Valérie Dréville, Jean-François Sivadier 
assistant scenography : Christian Tirole 
assistant movements : Philippe Ducou 
costumes : Virginie Gervaise 
lights : Jean-Jacques Beaudouin with Philippe Berthomé 
sound : Jean-Louis Imbert 
text published at Gallimard
made at festival d’Avignon 2008 
coproduction festival d’Avignon, Les Gémeaux- Sceaux, Scène nationale, Italienne avec orchestre, CDN Orléans-Loiret-Centre, La rose des vents, L’Espace Malraux Scène nationale de Chambéry et de la Savoie 
with the support of la région Ile-de-France.