This double bill combines two recent performances of the Portuguese dancers Sofie Diaz and Vitor Roziz. A gesture that is nothing but a threat (2011) and Out of any present (2012) are two variations on the complex relationship between word and movement. In the first hypnotizing duet it's the words that are dancing by applying choreographic principles to them, such as repetition and rhythm. In this way, meaning is less important than musicality and the pleasure of the language games is quite contagious.
The second performance builds on the same principles and is an uninterrupted spiral of actions and situations, inspired by the book Mémoires d'Hadrien by Marguerite Yourcenar.
Two inventive and minimalist choreographies in one evening !
15.11 Dias & Rozic + Goldring & Rizzi + Mylène Benoit + Dias & Rozic: € 20
* Courtrai: 15.11 - 15:30h (Parcours)
Out of any present - SOFIA DIAS & VÍTOR RORIZ
CREATED & PERFORMED BY Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz / SCENOGRAPHY Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz / SOUND Sofia Dias / ARTISTIC COLLABORATOR Catarina Dias (set images) / GUEST Filipe Pereira / TECHNICAL DIRECTOR & LIGHTING DESIGNER Nuno Borda de Água / TOUR MANAGEMENT Materiais Diversos / COPRODUCTION Alkantara, Box Nova/CCB, Jardin d’Europe, O Espaço do Tempo, 4 Culture Association / WITH THE SUPPORT OF DEPARTS, a network financed by the European Commission (Culture Program) / ARTISTIC RESIDENCIES Bains Connective, ACCCA, Eira e Negócio/ZBD, Cine-Teatro São Pedro – Alcanena / FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SUMO Associação de Difusão Cultural / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Maria Ramos, Oficinas do Convento, João Sofio, Tiago Fróis, Hélder Azinheirinha, Pedro Videira
A gesture that is nothing but a threat - SOFIA DIAS & VÍTOR RORIZ
DIRECTED, WRITTEN & PERFORMED BY Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz / SOUND Sofia Dias / ARTISTIC COLLABORATOR Catarina Dias (stage image) / TECHNICAL DIRECTOR & LIGHTING DESIGNER Nuno Borda de Água / COSTUMES Lara Torres / MANAGEMENT Materiais Diversos / COPRODUCTION Box Nova/CCb, O espaço do Tempo, CDCE / PARTNERS Alkantara, ACCCA, O Rumo do Fumo, O Negócio/ZDB, Bains Connective / FUNDED BY Portugal Government / secretary for culture – DG Artes / FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SUMO Associação de Difusão Cultural